good communication with

Contact Form 7 Widget

Easily integrate Contact Form 7 into Borax theme's sidebar or footer using a customizable and user-friendly widget for convenience.

Contact Form 7
Elementor Widget

The Contact Form 7 Elementor Widget seamlessly integrates with Borax theme, allowing effortless creation and customization of contact forms. With intuitive Elementor capabilities, design bespoke contact forms to match your site's style. This powerful combination enables easy placement and styling within your layout, ensuring a cohesive and visually appealing website experience while maintaining full functionality.


How to
create Contact Form 7

Using the Borax theme, easily integrate and customize Contact Form 7. Access the theme's intuitive settings, locate the Contact Form 7 plugin, and effortlessly create personalized contact forms. With simple steps, configure form fields, styling, and submission options to suit your website's needs. Enhance user interaction by seamlessly embedding and managing contact forms within your Borax-themed site.


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to the next level!

Purchase Borax and make your website super fast and easy.
